August 16th, 2021, 10:03 AM
We got a Boxer pup from the Killeen Animal Shelter on July 1st. Named her Daphne Grace, it has been a month and two dogs in the house once again are great. The cycle begins again, oh well.
"The difference between golf and government is that in golf you cant improve your lie"
John Daly
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August 16th, 2021, 7:50 PM

Originally Posted by
We got a Boxer pup from the Killeen Animal Shelter on July 1st. Named her Daphne Grace, it has been a month and two dogs in the house once again are great. The cycle begins again, oh well.
A real puppy or a grown dog? If it was a puppy, do they have more?
"Scientia potentia est ? ?Knowledge is power?"
August 17th, 2021, 9:25 AM

Originally Posted by
A real puppy or a grown dog? If it was a puppy, do they have more?
No, they only had the one and the wife was very cautious about getting a second dog. The vet said she was around 10 months old, but I think she is a tad younger, still very much a puppy behavior, well that or she was kept outside chained of kenneled. I called Animal Control and asked the lady to define 4 days, does it start when it arrives, the next day, is 4 complete days then the 5th day its available etc. The wife got their before they opened and we got her. The only thing we know is she was found in the Clear Creek area. She had hookworms, but that has been treated, she is now chipped, spayed and is part of our family. A bit hyper, but her and Penny get along just fine.
"The difference between golf and government is that in golf you cant improve your lie"
John Daly
August 17th, 2021, 10:01 AM
I have always had an affinity for Boxers and Rottweilers... I have no idea why. Perhaps its because they look so much like me, because our flatulence is equal.
"Scientia potentia est ? ?Knowledge is power?"
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December 11th, 2022, 5:42 PM
Found one of mine on Paddy Hamilton Rd about 7 years ago. She is still with me
America Love it or leave it!
December 11th, 2022, 8:56 PM
Yep. We used to get a lot of strays that were dumped out behind the new airport. That road was a popular dumping ground for animals, trash, and we could always tell when it was PCS time for the Army.
If you do not read the news you are uninformed. If you do you are misinformed. Mark Twain
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December 17th, 2022, 7:32 PM
These people do amazing work to save the unwanted.
America Love it or leave it!
December 18th, 2022, 12:57 PM
We used to have a kennel at the new airport that was supposed to be used by the PD for working police dogs, but they never had one they put in there. We would sometimes keep strays in there and feed them from time to time.
It beat the alternative. The dogs would usually go home with someone. <ot sure if that was doing them a favor or not, but it seemed right at the time.
If you do not read the news you are uninformed. If you do you are misinformed. Mark Twain
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