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Thread: American Alliance of Football

  1. #1
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    American Alliance of Football

    Watched the AAF's opening game last night. San Antonio Commanders beat the San Diego Fleet 15-6. They put about 22K in the Alamodome. Bill Polian and Hines Ward are the league's front office. 8 teams run 10 weeks starting the Saturday after the Super Bowl. No gimmicks other than the eye in the sky can call down and undue blatant penalties not called. Hope it lasts, tickets run 14-24 dollars. Not bad.
    "The difference between golf and government is that in golf you cant improve your lie"
    John Daly

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  3. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by fchafey View Post
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    Watched the AAF's opening game last night. San Antonio Commanders beat the San Diego Fleet 15-6. They put about 22K in the Alamodome. Bill Polian and Hines Ward are the league's front office. 8 teams run 10 weeks starting the Saturday after the Super Bowl. No gimmicks other than the eye in the sky can call down and undue blatant penalties not called. Hope it lasts, tickets run 14-24 dollars. Not bad.

    Yep... Also saw David Cobb playing too. The former Ellison standout di a pretty good job.

    Talked to a retired coach at church this morning and he told me he had talked to both Cobb and Showers and they are both doing well in their places right now.

    Just a matter of time until we hear more on these 2.
    If you do not read the news you are uninformed. If you do you are misinformed. Mark Twain

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  5. #3
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    Was on TV? A little advertising to let people know it's on television would help.
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  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by CenTexDave View Post
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    Was on TV? A little advertising to let people know it's on television would help.
    Exactly. My wife said who knew about this? I learned when I got here in 86 that there seems to be a cut off line for news. Back then the Cowboys were horrible, but the Oilers were doing well, yet all we heard was Dallas this and Dallas that. Same with the Astros when they lost the NL Championship that year to the Mets. Next weekend is a long weekend and we are going to go see the Commanders play. We have gone to a few Texas stars hockey games in Cedar Park and have really enjoyed them. That place is nice and the food and beer is very reasonable. The Alamodome is nice as well.
    "The difference between golf and government is that in golf you cant improve your lie"
    John Daly

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  8. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by fchafey View Post
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    The Alamodome is nice as well.
    The last time I was in the Alamodome was when Killeen High football was in a playoff game.
    My youngest daughter was the drum major for the band. My oldest daughter and I went to every game that year, including the away games. We chose to sit close to the field, and the guy right in front of us was standing and waving his arms around, cheering. About 5 or 6 minutes into the game, I asked him if he planned on standing the whole game, and if so, I'd move, since he had not sat down at all since arriving. He sat down, and kept complaining to the guy next to him that he couldn't stand up to cheer. Jackass.
    2 pretzels, 2 drinks, 2 hotdogs = $52

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  10. #6
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    We found out about it when our coach friends wife sent my wife an email and told her about it.

    I didn't know it was on until I heard my wife back in the bedroom watching it on the TV in there because she wanted to watch it instead of what I was watching. Can't blame her. Seems the channels I like are all showing shows about animals killing each other in the wild, and giving graphic shows of the meal afterward. Gross.
    If you do not read the news you are uninformed. If you do you are misinformed. Mark Twain

  11. LOL fchafey, CenTexDave LOL'd at this post
  12. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by fchafey View Post
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    No gimmicks other than the eye in the sky can call down and undue blatant penalties not called. Hope it lasts, tickets run 14-24 dollars. Not bad.
    Not quite "blatant penalties", but someone on the radio this morning said the AAF has different rules, and mentioned the play in which the quarterback lost his helmet after getting hit during the play. In the NFL, that hit would've been a penalty, but in the AAF...that was a legitimate move.
    "Argument is an intellectual process. Contradiction is just the automatic gainsaying of anything the other person says." 'Argument Clinic', Monty Python's Flying Circus

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  14. #8
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    Watched last night's game between Arizona and Memphis. Started out as a joke, but turned into a decent game in the 4th. But seriously - I think some of the excellent college teams would clean their clocks.
    Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.

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  16. #9
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    San Antonio is playing at 3PM today. My wife and I will watch to see how Cobb does, if he is allowed to play much that is.
    If you do not read the news you are uninformed. If you do you are misinformed. Mark Twain

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  18. #10
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    I thought it was pretty good, though the Commanders lost, at least there was a bunch of point scored. I was switching between it and golf......and the race some....
    "The difference between golf and government is that in golf you cant improve your lie"
    John Daly

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