The Central Texas Corinthian
Looking for Six Things in the Next Six Months
, October 26th, 2020 at 4:22 AM (52293 Views)
I made a forecast, about 5 years ago, that America had about 200 months until it would implode under the weight of its own stupidity. I am looking at six (or maybe seven or eight) things in the six months, to evaluate whether or not I should change that forecast.
Over the past 5 years, I have not changed that forecast. Two reasons for that, one obvious, it is still a long ways out, and the other is questionable, we have been bouncing back and forth from getting better to getting worse. Or, from another point of view, some things have gotten worse, while others have gotten better.
In the next six months I will be looking at six items."Tolerance is the last virtue of a depraved society. When an immoral society has blatantly and proudly violated all the commandments, it insists upon one last virtue, tolerance for its immorality. It will not tolerate condemnation of its perversions. It creates a whole new world in which only the intolerant critic of intolerable evil is evil." Hutton Gibson
Yes, inevitable.i'm not sure I quite understand what you're saying here, Mestral. Are you saying that armed insurrection, revolution or rebellion is inevitable now?........and if so, in what period of time? within the next 200 years or 200 days?.......mac
Within 200 months.
Within 200 weeks, if we don't change course.
With Gay Agenda, it is their way or the highway
As it is with the rest of the "progressive" movement:
"Guard with jealous attention the public liberty. Suspect every one who approaches that jewel. Unfortunately, nothing will preserve but downright force. Whenever you give up that force, you are inevitably ruined." Patrick HenryAll too often, people who call themselves progressive liberals are at the forefront of movements to shut down debates on college campuses and to restrict freedom of speech. They are eager to cut corners, bend the Constitution, make up laws through questionable court rulings, and generally abuse the rules and the Constitution in order to get their way.
They establish ?zero tolerance? regimes in schools where young boys are suspended for nibbling breakfast pastries into the shape of a gun. They are supposedly great haters of bigotry but sometimes speak of Christians in the most bigoted manner imaginable, as if Christians were no better than fascists.
Supreme Court: replacing RBG.
President: does Trump remain President.
Senate: do we keep control of it.
House: do we regain control of it.
Governors: do we gain a majority, or at least gain in numbers.
Draining the Swamp: do we send a lot of Deep State Miscreants (DMS) to prison.
These are, you might notice, in order from most likely to least likely.
In addition, I will be looking at the rise of the insurgency
and whether we raise taxes, or do we grow the economy.
If we we lose every battle, we won't last until 2028, but if we win all of them, we might last longer than I previously thought.
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