View Full Version : Growth

July 16th, 2010, 10:31 PM
I took my dogs to the vet a couple weeks ago for regular yearly appts., and my male has a growth on the inside of his paw. The vet took a culture and said there were no signs of cancer, and that it was an infection. She gave me antibiotics, and the grown went way down. About a third of it was left. Tonight it has swelled back up again, and where the vet took the blood has always had a black spot, and it is very pronounced now. Should I be worried? It actually hurts hin to the touch now, where before it did not. Thanks.

Brad Buckley, D.V.M.
July 17th, 2010, 1:08 PM
The fact that the growth responded to antibiotics makes it less likely to be some kind of tumor. I suspect that the veterinarian aspirated the mass with a small needle and looked at the cells under a microscope to see if any abnormal cells were present. Infection, especially on the feet or between the toes, can form "bumps" that can take a while to resolve with antibiotics. I would call and discuss this issue and possibly request a refill of the antibiotics. If after another round the growth does not go completely away then another exam should be performed. I hope this helps.

July 17th, 2010, 1:34 PM
Thank you, I have to go in Monday to refill my other dogs pills, so will ask about him too.

Also, Flash has been licking and chewing on it, and there is an open hole. We clean it and cover it, but he keeps getting to it. Is there something we can do to prevent this, or just keep cleaning and replacing?

By the way, we go to the other vet at your clinic, and love her. :) I think you've taken care of Haley too. She was there for a week after a blood transfusion a couple of years ago when she almost died.

Thank you.

August 2nd, 2010, 9:04 PM
Okay, the growth is still on him, but last night it was oozing out of a second hole. I pressed on it...gag...and a bunch of puss came out. I cleaned it and put peroxide on it. It is still a big growth, and doesn't seem to be getting smaller. Was the puss coming out a good sign, or do I need to take him in to the vet?

Brad Buckley, D.V.M.
August 4th, 2010, 11:54 AM
I would have this lesion examined. It is not responding to antibiotics alone and may need additional therapy to get it to resolve completely.

August 5th, 2010, 4:26 PM
Thanks Dr. Buckley, Flash is doing great now. Sleeping on the couch being a prima dona. Thanks again for fitting us in and taking care of my baby.

Brad Buckley, D.V.M.
August 5th, 2010, 6:13 PM
Flash is awesome! Absolutely one of the coolest dogs around. In 10 days or so when the sutures are removed we should be home free. Watch that foot for swelling and discourage licking of the bandage. Glad he's doing great!!!

August 6th, 2010, 7:22 PM
Okay, word to all pet owners. When your dog has the no chew bandage wraps on, and you are messing with it, remember to wash your hands before you...say wipe something off your mouth. There is a reason they are non licking and such, they are bitter. I now know that from personal experience. I can joint the vet assistant who helped us yesterday who said she had tasted it.

August 6th, 2010, 11:49 PM
See, one NEVER stops learning:|
How is the patient doing? Still lounging on the couch?

August 7th, 2010, 8:54 AM
Flash is doing great. Pretty much a couch potato, he's actually stretched out there right now. I rewrapped his arm, and he hasn't even tried to tear it off. Maybe he liked the bitter taste of the other.

I can tell which dog is coming into the room because Flash has a peg leg sound to him now. It is funny.

My sister said PETA is going to come after me if I don't quit laughing at Flash.

August 14th, 2010, 5:10 PM
Okay, the stitches are out, the leg looks good, no infection, and he isn't licking on it. Flash is loving having his 'nekid' leg again, and the fur is growing back too. He's happy as a clam...are clams really happy?

Thanks Dr. B for fixing my Flash. He is very happy, and I'm not grossed out anymore. This is why I've gone to your clinic for the past 3 years. Everyone treats my dogs so well, and they get great treatment.

My regular vet is Dr. Jones, but now we have great experiences with you both. Thanks again.

Brad Buckley, D.V.M.
August 14th, 2010, 9:55 PM
Thank you for the kind words. I'm so glad Flash is doing well. Have a nice weekend.