View Full Version : F1 revives US Grand Prix in 2012 in Austin, Texas

May 26th, 2010, 7:42 AM
Good news for Texas but the question is: who's paying for this?


Side note: Bernie Eccelstone is evil and must be detroyed... :smoke

May 26th, 2010, 10:17 AM
I heard on the radio that the state of Texas -- which is experiencing serious budget shortfalls, supposedly -- has a special fund for this! Lucky, huh? :rolleyes

May 26th, 2010, 4:41 PM
on the Austin F1 race.
One site (automobilemag.com) said yesterday that the course would run in DOWNTOWN Austin! Oh, that'll be interesting...wonder how the 'bike-lane-and-Birkenstock' folks will deal with THAT!
Most reports since yesterday that I've seen indicate that the course will be at a track yet to be built out on Austin's east side...or maybe towards Bastrop and Manor?!? The clock is now ticking...can a road course AND support facilities be built to F1 standards in less than two years?? Wasn't the Bahrain track a three-plus year undertaking?!?

May 27th, 2010, 8:27 AM
Eccelstone isn't bad; he's evil... But on to the subject at hand; I've heard, and read, that the track is to be built out toward the airport... Which would make more sense should they airlift the cars and equipment in though that would be based more on where the previous and/or next races are to be staged... :smoke