View Full Version : 10 month old not sleeping

November 25th, 2009, 6:35 AM
My wife and I are new to the forum hoping we can find a solution for this, but the biggest problem we are having is around 2 am, he will wake up and be active and ready to go like it is 7am, and he will not go back to sleep until around 4 am. He has a 8 ounce bottle before he goes to sleep, naps fine throughout the day, eats regualr like he should as well. We have tried everything we possibly can, does anyone have any advice for this at all?

My wife and I are looking forward to reading all the stories that ya'll have on here and are glad we found the website.


November 25th, 2009, 6:42 AM
I don't have any advice on your problem with the child, but Welcome to CenTexTalk. I hope to be able to meet y'all in person at our next luncheon.

Texas Immigrant
November 25th, 2009, 6:46 AM
What time is he going to bed? What time is his afternoon nap?

Welcome to the forum!

November 25th, 2009, 6:48 AM
This is a normal, albeit unplesant for parents, phase of development.

If he doesn't need anything, you could try the cry it out method, but I don't care for that as young as your baby is. Perhaps keeping him up at longer at night will help.

On the bright side he is just up. My daughter would awaken at 2, scream until 4 and THEN go back to bed. You could just about set your clock by it. I hated that month.

Some babies need more sleep than others. According to my mom, I slep all night and had 2 2-hour naps during the day for quite a while. My daughter did a lot of sleeping too after that screaming thing was done. She kept her naps for a long time too. My son, on the other hand, was ready to give up naps at the one year mark and never needed as much sleep at night as my girl did.

Chin up!

JoAnn Purser
November 25th, 2009, 7:48 AM
All of us could get in to that pattern.

I remember when my kids were little and did the same thing I would eat a bowl of cereal while up with them. Then after a while I was waking up hungry at night.

I think you have to weather the storm and have the child not get excited or stimulated with light and realize the habit or pattern is to rest and that it is night time. Train the baby and work through this and eventually the baby will wake up at night and go right back to sleep on its own. If the baby is hungry maybe some more substance at the last feeding in the evening is needed. (Cereal in the milk)

Sounds like the baby has trained you for an early morning feeding.::)

Good luck.

November 25th, 2009, 11:51 AM
Thanks somthing for me to but I think it's a good idea about getting them into a rutine. We already have our 2month old on one he try to keep him going all evening then he gets a bath & a bottle. He's out like a light till 4unless he's soaked himself.

November 25th, 2009, 1:39 PM
Christine - remember this post when your sweet baby decides that your schedule doesn't fit his needs.


November 25th, 2009, 1:47 PM
Don't let him nap as much during the day. It's throwing off his cycle. I would also feed him dinner and shortly after his bottle, so that his tummy stays full all night. Like FP said, if this doesn't work, you might just have to teach him that he isn't gonna get mom and dad's attention every time he cries. It sucks and sometimes they will cry for an hour or so, but they will learn to self soothe.


Im a mother of 3.. a 6 year old, 2 year old and 4 month old.. :)

November 25th, 2009, 5:49 PM
My daughter was the one to want to sleep a lot during the day and be up at night. It took three painful weeks to re-train her.
We limited her naps during the day and other then change her diaper or feed her if she was due a feeding she would not get picked up out of her crib at night. We didn't ignore her, but if she cried we ( better say mostly me:)) would pat or rub her back for a few seconds, re-insert the pacifier and told her night-night. This was all done in the dark. After three weeks she slept ( or stayed quiet) from about 10 pm to 6 am unless she was soaked.

November 26th, 2009, 8:36 PM
My son has just started this, at 10 months as well. Only mine doesn't want to play, he wants to cry. He's teething. I don't let my son nap in the evening. If he tries taking a late nap, I keep it short at like a half an hour.

What I have read is that if he wants to get up and play, don't talk to him, don't play with him, just make sure he is not wet or hungry.

I hope it all works out for you :)