View Full Version : Dogs eat the grass

June 25th, 2009, 11:28 PM
I'm reading about everyone putting chemicals on their yards to get rid of pests. I have not treated my yard due to the fact that my dogs eat the grass. My pets haven't picked up any fleas /ticks. I'm using front line so I guess it is working. I'd like to treat the yard too but I'm afraid that they'll eat and digest the chemicals that I put down. I know most pesticides state on the package to water the chemicals into the ground, let it dry before letting pets back on the yard. But, my questions is, what happens when pets eat the treated grass?

Brad Buckley, D.V.M.
June 26th, 2009, 2:23 PM
Follow all label instructions carefully and honor all restriction periods and you should be fine. After proper drying, very little chemical remains on the grass itself as most of it soaks into the ground where immature fleas and ticks live. Small amount of grass ingestion may cause a little stomach upset or you might not notice anything at all. The key is to follow those label recommendation accurately. I hope this helps and you keep those pesty bugs under control.

June 27th, 2009, 8:01 AM
Many years ago I was walking my dog and he drank from a puddle near someone's yard. He died that night, and after the autopsy we discovered they had just treated their yard for pests and there was enough arsenic in the run-off to kill him. It was so tragic to me b/c I would have been so careful had I known that the water was tainted. I am always so careful with chemicals after that experience...for humans and animals are at risk.

June 27th, 2009, 10:36 AM
For general insect control, Diatomaceous Earth (DE) works wonders. We treat our back yard in the early spring and it works all summer. It controls fire ants if you cover the mound with DE. The beauty of DE is it in non-poisonous, and remains effective after it gets wet and dries. The only "danger" is during application, because you should not inhale the powder.
Another warning should be not to use swimming pool grade DE ... as the below link tells you:

This DE is not the same thing as the DE used in swimming pool filters. Pool grade DE is Diatomaceous Earth produced for pool filters and it is treated with heat, causing the formerly amorphous silicon dioxide to assume crystalline form. Pool grade DE should never be used for pest control. Swimming pool DE ranges from 60% to 70% free silica! To top all that, it is cheap! A 50lb bag that lasted us two years cost about $15 or so if I remember correctly. We bought it at a feed and seed store, but you can also order it online.

For more information, either google it or go here: http://www.ghorganics.com/DiatomaceousEarth.html