View Full Version : NFL to Penalize Use of the "N" Word

February 22nd, 2014, 9:42 PM

It looks like the NFL will rule an automatic 15-yard penalty for first-time offenders and an ejection for second infractions. I hope that if they do this, they'll do it equitably across-the-board. Please....no double standard for when it's used by black players.

The head of the group pushing this says:

"We want this word to be policed from the parking lot to the equipment room to the locker room. Secretaries, PR people, whoever, we want it eliminated completely and want it policed everywhere."

They will evidently also push for a 15-yard penalty for homophobic slurs.

Grammar Rules
February 23rd, 2014, 5:55 AM
It's sad that adults would need penalties in a game to help them treat others decently.

February 23rd, 2014, 6:53 AM
There are already severe penalties for name-calling, penalties which neither NFL regulation or law can top. Just read the gospel of Matthew, Chapter 5, beginning with v. 20 and following.

There are many who have a poor self-image. The only way they can see themselves raising up is by putting others down. That's a shame, but it's also a reality for fallen humankind. No law or regulation is going to change that.

February 23rd, 2014, 12:26 PM
It's sad that adults would need penalties in a game to help them treat others decently.

i don't really have a problem when private clubs or organizations set rules of conduct and penalties for themselves. what i don't like is when our government does it. i don't know much about.......hell, i don't anything about football, but if the nfl is a private club and they want these rules, well either change the rules or get out of the club. seems pretty simple to me......mac

Grammar Rules
February 23rd, 2014, 5:12 PM
I don't disagree that it's the right of the NFL to set rules of conduct for players. It's a shame they need to.

So you don't think the government should establish rules of conduct? Interesting. I'm inclined to think terroristic threat, disturbing the peace, lying drunk and nekkid on the sidewalk, and lots of other rules of conduct are a good thing. Oh yeah, and nabbing speeders from hidey holes.

sojourner truth
February 23rd, 2014, 8:43 PM
Anyone who uses the N word needs to be penalized something...IMO

February 23rd, 2014, 8:50 PM
Anyone who uses the N word needs to be penalized something...IMO

Why single out this word for penalty? There are any number of pejorative words equally vile that are aimed at other groups of people. Is there a cogent reason for special treatment of the N?