View Full Version : Dog Loose Tooth

January 30th, 2013, 10:52 AM
My 7.5 year old terrier mix was involved in a rigorous game of tug o' war and ended up with a loose front tooth. Generally her dental health is ok. While I don't brush her teeth as often as I should I do clean them occasionally and there isn't any serious yuck in her mouth. However when I picked the fabric from the toy out of her teeth I saw the loose tooth and while she didn't yelp, I could tell she was in discomfort and licked it quite a bit for a minute or so. She is still eating, playing and generally lovable. Do I need to take her to the vet right away? Will it fall out on its own or will it stay in and be ok?

January 31st, 2013, 3:02 PM
One of my dogs is a chihuahua. When I am a good owner, I have his teeth done every year by the vet. When I am not on my game, sometimes it is 2-3 years. The last time I had them done, the vet said he removed 7 teeth that were loose. I was SHOCKED because this had never happened before. I asked him if I should be concerned. He said it was actually very very normal and not to be concerned at all. Have you ever had the teeth cleaned by the vet? Maybe you could and then have the tooth removed at that time. It may not cause pain now, but the loose tooth could get food or something caught in it and then become abscessed.