View Full Version : Really? Hot Booties and a Bootie Bag?

JoAnn Purser
January 29th, 2012, 11:34 AM
I just saw the funniest commercial on TV for a pair of "Hot Booties".

Microwave them in its own "Bootie Bag" for a minute and enjoy an hour of warm feet.

Crazy enough it just might work.

The commercial is so funny.

January 29th, 2012, 12:24 PM
Makes you mad you didn't come up with the same idea!

Now I will say that I do have a microwavable "bag" that I am sure has the same sort of seeds in it as the booties, it also has lavendar. You microwave it and use it on your head when you get headaches/migraines. It stays hot to warm for about an hour, and I use it sometimes when I have a headache and can't sleep.

January 29th, 2012, 12:59 PM
Makes you mad you didn't come up with the same idea!

Now I will say that I do have a microwavable "bag" that I am sure has the same sort of seeds in it as the booties, it also has lavendar. You microwave it and use it on your head when you get headaches/migraines. It stays hot to warm for about an hour, and I use it sometimes when I have a headache and can't sleep.

My wife tried it and it messed up our microwave. Apparently it doesn't work the same if your booties have rubber souls. You women should just just let us guys handle the "bootie." We know what to do with it. :)

January 29th, 2012, 1:16 PM
My wife tried it and it messed up our microwave. Apparently it doesn't work the same if your booties have rubber souls. You women should just just let us guys handle the "bootie." We know what to do with it. :)

LOL noooooo...you did not try to warm up regular slippers in the microwave? HILARIOUS!!!

These have linseed in them, like my forehead mask, which is why they microwave without burning! Sometimes my mask "pops" tho! LOL

January 29th, 2012, 1:17 PM
You women should just just let us guys handle the "bootie." We know what to do with it.
That part of the forum when a post takes another turn!!! :))

January 29th, 2012, 1:52 PM
That part of the forum when a post takes another turn!!! :))

It's the best part for us old guys. LOL!

sojourner truth
January 29th, 2012, 6:39 PM
Not a problem at our house. Momma just puts her freezing dang feet on MY booty to get 'em warm. It accomplishes 2 purposes. It gets her feet warm and gets me out of the mood at the same time. Pretty smart these schoolmarms.