View Full Version : Whining, snitching non-smoker got smoke blown up his "youknowwhat"!

Charles Grubb
April 17th, 2009, 2:44 AM
Seems to me, this 'whiner' should have kept his mouth shut, or stuffed a cigarette between his 'whining' lips. I guess this is one employer that called this whiner's bluff!


Daniel Mendez Says:
August 27th, 2008 at 5:59 pm (http://www.humanresourceblog.com/2007/10/31/texas-smoking-breaks/#comment-11118) At first Everyone was told that there was a no smoking policy throughout the plant. Then one day I decided to make a complaint to my foreman about the issue I had with smokers carelessly not respecting my area, especially after they had known how I’d felt on the issue.I told my foreman that,”if he did not adress the problem”, that I would be forced to turn in a two weeks notice.He decided that he would bring it up at the next meeting. Well!!, he did in their favor, and now everyone smokes all the time,without regard. And I truly believe he went in their favor because of the fact that he was afraid to lose any of the productive smokers,over just one persons complaints, and one loss is better than two or more. I’ve made several complaints, up til even,a few months ago whenI finally got tired of making complaints.I would like to know if my rights have been violated,and if, have case for putting up with this crap for 10 long hard years.
Caitlin Says:
August 28th, 2008 at 8:51 am (http://www.humanresourceblog.com/2007/10/31/texas-smoking-breaks/#comment-11122) Hi Daniel! This is a tough situation. It sounds like you are the lone non-smoker in a plant full of nicotine hounds! Unfortunately, the employer set the no-smoking policy and can change it if they like. If it’s any consolation, many states including Ohio, New York and Illinois are outlawing all smoking in the workplace. It is probably only a matter of time until your state does the same. Thanks for reading the blog! ~ Caitlin


April 17th, 2009, 5:58 AM

Dagobert II
April 17th, 2009, 7:46 AM
"If it’s any consolation, many states including Ohio, New York and Illinois are outlawing all smoking in the workplace. It is probably only a matter of time until your state does the same."

And now we know why.

Night Owl
April 17th, 2009, 7:54 AM
Ah yea, those are the leading states in this country (NY, ILL, OH). We here in the Lone Star State sure look at them as shiining examples.:-$:-$:):)

April 17th, 2009, 8:38 AM
I for one would not want to work somewhere that I have no choice but to smell smoke. It actually makes me sick.
I respect peoples right to smoke but they should respect my right not to.

April 17th, 2009, 10:33 AM
They do respect your right not to smoke. If you don't want to light up, then don't.
As far as the article, I imagine this guy probably *****ed, complained and whined each hour on the hour for years. Sooner or later any boss would get fed up with it.

April 17th, 2009, 10:54 AM
In 11 years at my last job, I encountered fewer than a half dozen workers that were nonsmokers. Half of the nonsmokers started, just to justify taking a break. One coworker quit for health reasons and started again for the same reason. She was diagnosed with cancer and quit smoking, then she was constantly plagued by respiratory ailments brought on by quitting. Her doctor got honest with her and admitted that EVERYONE who quits smoking goes through a period of these respiratory ailments, usually not as bad as her experience. He gave his blessing to restart at a lower level.

Night Owl
April 17th, 2009, 11:00 AM
In 11 years at my last job, I encountered fewer than a half dozen workers that were nonsmokers. Half of the nonsmokers started, just to justify taking a break. One coworker quit for health reasons and started again for the same reason. She was diagnosed with cancer and quit smoking, then she was constantly plagued by respiratory ailments brought on by quitting. Her doctor got honest with her and admitted that EVERYONE who quits smoking goes through a period of these respiratory ailments, usually not as bad as her experience. He gave his blessing to restart at a lower level.

Proof that smoking is GOOD for your health!!!! "Nough Said"

April 17th, 2009, 11:03 AM
Amen. Quick - call your state senator and rep. Get those bills stopped!

Night Owl
April 17th, 2009, 11:27 AM
Dave, you aren't keeping on your toes. Was I in the Obits or police blotter today? I haven't had a chance to look!!! :):)

April 17th, 2009, 12:03 PM
I once worked in a place where I was the only non-smoker. I got fed up being the one that had to work pretty much double while people were taking their smoke breaks. My boss even got onto me for standing around one day when there was nothing to do. (She was smoking a cigarette.) I brought in a game boy one night. My boss told me I couldn't play it. I said "you take your 3 minute cigarette break ever hour or so, I'll take my 3 minute tetris break right after you." We all know tetris is addicting.

I'm totally against smoking breaks in the work place. The non smokers ALWAYS get stuck picking up the slack. My coworkers try to justify smoke breaks with "fine, you'll get to deal with me when I get cranky cause I need a cigarette." Grow up. You're not an infant. You know when you are being irrational.

April 17th, 2009, 5:12 PM
Did these smokers get extra breaks just because they smoked? Any place I've ever worked, the smokers and non-smokers took their breaks equally. When it's your time to take your break, you go sit, have a bite to eat, play your tetris, or smoke; whatever it is you want to do on your break. No one should have more workload because a smoker had to take a break to smoke. That is dumb. It's always the rude stupid smokers that ruin it for everyone.

April 17th, 2009, 6:09 PM
Your suppose to get more than just your lunch to do whatever. But I've noticed that my coworkers that smoke usually take more than a few extra breaks. I don't blame you VooDooBaby; I would have done the same thing.
That aside, as I noted before, in my opinion a smoker is not respecting my choice not to smoke when they think nothing of lighting up next to me. Why should I be forced to suffer their habit? However, Im not completely crazy…if I can I move away from the smoke I do. But sometimes you have no option & that’s when it’s not only rude but just inconsiderate.

April 17th, 2009, 6:22 PM
I can understand the no-smoking in the work place and they should not get extra brakes.
What really upsets me is when employment ads state non-smokers only. Ban smoking at the work place, but what I do on my own time is none of your business. If the ad said "No overweight people need apply." the majority would scream discrimination.

April 17th, 2009, 6:25 PM
If you're smoking I hope you're on fire.

Charles Grubb
April 18th, 2009, 7:46 AM
The 'whiner' threatened to turn in his two weeks notice, but he never did. I wonder what made him change his mind?

April 18th, 2009, 7:48 AM
ummm..... possibly the economy....

He probably realized belatedly that he wasn't as important as he thought he was.

April 18th, 2009, 11:29 AM
We should be liked the Germans and get beer breaks!:glug:

April 18th, 2009, 2:00 PM
yuk!!!! Beer is a terrible idea now let me have vodka with my cigarette break and I will be a very happy employee

April 18th, 2009, 2:46 PM
i'm with you skipster...except the cigarette part.

April 18th, 2009, 4:10 PM
Dave, you aren't keeping on your toes. Was I in the Obits or police blotter today? I haven't had a chance to look!!! :):)
No, we survived another day.

April 18th, 2009, 5:27 PM
I for one would not want to work somewhere that I have no choice but to smell smoke. It actually makes me sick.
I respect peoples right to smoke but they should respect my right not to.

I am a smoker and have always been considerate of the non smokers. If I am around anon smoker I will ask before I light up. If they say the smoke bothers them I will step away. I no longer smoke in my car but when I used to smoke in my car and I had a non smoker with me I did not smoke. If I have non smoking company I will go outside and smoke. If my grandbabies are with me I will go outside and smoke.

Some smokers bring a lot of their problems on themselves by being inflexible. Yes I have a right to smoke, but the non smoker also has a right not to inhale my smoke. Al it takes is being considerate of the next person.