View Full Version : Tip Needed! Cat Urine Smell

April 13th, 2009, 5:12 PM
How to make it go away?

Our cats are normally VERY good about the litterbox, but we had company and company brought their dogs. Our cats hid out the entire weekend... you get the idea. If I had been smart....

Any and all tips needed desparately! My husband and kids claim they can't smell it, but I smell it and it bugs me so much I don't want to be in the house with it.

April 13th, 2009, 5:50 PM

It takes some time but this works on carpets. If it's on clothes just add vinegar to the wash.

April 13th, 2009, 7:12 PM

Turns out I got lucky. The cats - in desparate want of a litter box and being too scared to go to theirs used a towel pretending to be a rug in our bathroom. Dear Sweet Hubby had taken the towel and put it on the floor right by the washer.

Washed it and things are solved. I still can't BELIEVE that he couldn't smell it, because I was considering burning the towel first.

April 13th, 2009, 8:17 PM
Glad it was only the towel. I've had guest cats that went under my bed on carpet and until I followed all the steps my cat kept going in the same spot.
Just a word of caution if you put the towel back on the floor your cats might still smell it and use it again. If they do use vinegar and they shouldn't do it again.

April 17th, 2009, 3:12 PM
Had a cat that got pissed off about the new dog...don't have the cat anymore and have two new mattresses. UGH. That smell never GOES AWAY completely.

April 19th, 2009, 11:37 AM
There is a product called Nature's Miracle that is, without a doubt, the best way to ELIMINATE urine odors. I've owned several cats over the years, and sometimes when they get older they "forget" to use their litter box. You blot up as much of the urine as possible then saturate the area with this liquid, allowing it to dry on its own. It works on areas which have already dried and formed urine crystals. Enzymes in the liquid devour the crystals which normal cleaning or use of vinegar will have no effect on. This stuff is somewhat pricy, but the results are unbelievable. Here is a link to their product: http://www.naturemakesitwork.com/home/index.php

April 19th, 2009, 12:11 PM
There is a product called Nature's Miracle that is, without a doubt, the best way to ELIMINATE urine odors. I've owned several cats over the years, and sometimes when they get older they "forget" to use their litter box. You blot up as much of the urine as possible then saturate the area with this liquid, allowing it to dry on its own. It works on areas which have already dried and formed urine crystals. Enzymes in the liquid devour the crystals which normal cleaning or use of vinegar will have no effect on. This stuff is somewhat pricy, but the results are unbelievable. Here is a link to their product: http://www.naturemakesitwork.com/home/index.php

Used the same stuff after my cat had a UTI. Had good results.