View Full Version : Deer Resistance Advice?

March 25th, 2011, 7:35 AM
Does anyone know of a good product, or homemade concoction, that can be sprayed/applied to shrubs to keep the deer from devouring them?
Three years ago I purchased 5 Thule Green Giant trees - supposedly deer resistant. They were for a couple of years while they were small, but once they really started growing the deer forgot to read the label that came with them and have been chewing them up. Three are totally dead now and I've cut them down; the largest one had its bark stripped off by some buck who enjoyed some "bark jerky". Three weeks ago I visited a nursery and purchased four shrubs that are "deer resistant". Not quite. The deer missed that memo also.
The nursery owner recommended a spray of soapy water. Doesn't work.
Short of a crossbow, anyone have a proven result?

March 25th, 2011, 10:42 AM
A 12-foot chain-link fence should hold them off.

March 25th, 2011, 12:18 PM
Home Depot has a product called Dearbegone, that works pretty well. You just have to remember to put on at least once a month or after a rain---which I often forget to do!!

March 25th, 2011, 12:54 PM
I just checked my copy of "Rodale's Illustrated Encyclopedia of Herbs" and didn't find anything that would be useful. However, try this website: Rodaleinstitute.com.
They may be able to advise you.