Does my calling you as a snowflake damage your self-esteem? If so, it’s because you have been coddled your whole lives, and at the first sign of criticism, you run to your "safe spaces.” You’re a spoiled brat who has not learned about the real world. Yes, my precious snowflake, there are people who disagree with you, who don't like being called "deplorables", Nazis, racists or a thousand other epithets. You call me names, but can't handle it when I tag you with a name. Poor snowflake. Would you rather I call you a fool?

Wake up, snowflake! There are many different opinions and beliefs. Learn how to promote your opinions in a rational manner, instead of name-calling. When you start being rational, and civil, you won't be a snowflake any more. No one will take you seriously as long as you act like a spoiled brat.

In real life, you don't get "participation trophies". Hiding in your "safe space" is just that; hiding. Some people will like you, and some won't. Some people will agree with you, and some won't. That’s life. It is up to you to be the kind of person people will like and respect. It is up to you to give rational arguments to back up your opinions if you want others to agree with you. Shouting the same tired phrases, repeatedly, is not a rational argument. Do you really expect people to take you seriously when you are "triggered" at the slightest provocation? Are you that unacquainted with the world?

If you stop calling me a Nazi, or a racist, I'll stop calling you a snowflake, because I'll see that you have begun to grow up. Then we can have a rational discussion. I may not agree with you, or you with me, but we can agree to disagree, without animosity.