I'll be back in July, with a certified registered nurse. Between her school loans and salary, she will be giving me about 30k per year, cash. for the first 6 years. I will use that money to buy 6 big old houses, convert them into weekly rental rooms, and retire on that 100k per year (clear( income. I'm 62, she's 22, but in 6 years, she's going to be an anethescist. As such, she will be clearing 90k per year, so she's very happy with the deal.

I'm sterile, so pregnancy is not a concern. When she's 30, she'll be very well off, having several such "income-houses" of her own. Then she'll be able to go find a man her own age, with whom to have her kids. She'll be a millionaire by age 40, able to majorly help her family back in Phills. She's thrilled to have this chance. Many nurses in Phills are unemployed, and the ones with a job make 2k US per year. So they are unable to do anything for their families. I get 7 years of of loving (and retirement income) she gets a life that's fantastically better than she would have had in Phills. Fair trade