The Central Texas Corinthian

How to Blog

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Just a short note about how to get into blogging.

Why Blog?
Need a place where you can post things and know where to find them later, and a place where the threads cannot be hijacked or run on forever? Establishing a blog to track issues, and post notices of events that you find interesting.

A quick four steps will get you up and running.
1. Go to "Blog Settings" - which tends to be right under "Blogs" at the top of the page.
2. Enter a Name for your Blog, and a short description. You may be able to, but you shouldn't change the name of your blog later. The description, however, can be changed as frequently as you like, and no one will probably read it anyhow. Drop to the bottom and click "submit
3. Click on the "permissions and privacy" on the left hand side of the screen and modify what you find as you see fit. These can also be changed later.
4. When you click on "My Blog" a side bar will come up on the right hand side of the screen with a "new entry button" at the top. Click on that and enter whatever you want, just like you were creating a new thread on the forum (for which the button is on the left side, so it took me a while to find the button on the right side)

Another big advantage to blog entries is you can save a draft and come back to add or modify it later. When modifying, a section below (probably off screen as you are editing) has a block that says "Publish Status" and "Draft Blog Entry" will be selected.

The posting will not be published until you change that to "Publish Now" or "Publish On" (and add a date).
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