The Central Texas Corinthian

Resources Discussing the Gun Grabbers

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Just a long list of posts and articles dealing with the encroachment and infringement of the 2nd Amendment.
Anyone with ideas that are suitable for adding to this list can either PM me or leave them as comments.
Outdoor Life Magazine, and Guns and Ammo magazines had a little drama, caused by writers among their ranks, who inadvertently exposed their anti 2nd Amendment and historical revisionist views in their articles.
We do have the beginnings of gun registration already here.
(I found this when researching Firearms Control Act of 1936 and Gun Control Act of 1968.)
Conserve your magazines as much as you conserve your ammo. Both are likely to be in short supply in the future.
Here is a step towards declaring conservatives either as mentally ill, or just plain criminals.
While outfits such as al Qaeda and the KKK are explicitly violent, the presentation also lists Catholicism and evangelical Protestantism as extremist groups.
And here is the latest infringement in the name of legislation that make people feel safer while actually putting them more at risk of violent crime:
There is a new eligibility certificate required before purchasing or receiving a long gun,
Also, buying or even transferring a long gun — such as a father passing down his shotgun to his son — requires a background check and registration.
all they have to do is add some feature from one of your weapons, and bam, you have an assault weapon.
do you own a 30-30, or other similar rifle? As they can be loaded continuously through their side port, and there are speed loaders (which can be easily home made) available to load them
The spousie and I were watching Face the Nation this morning, and Bob Schieffer was interviewing someone with knowledge about the Connecticut murders. Schieffer was aghast that the shooter's mother had three guns. "Was she a collector?" he asked.
Murders per 100,000 citizens (excluding abortions)
- long list -
ALL these countries, except the United States, have 100% gun bans

AlJazeera sides with Obama on gun control.
promotes deceptive tactics to pry them out of our hands while we are still alive, so they can behead us.
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Updated June 27th, 2014 at 10:21 AM by Mestral

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  1. Mestral's Avatar
    We can always add bad cops.

    For years, the cops pretended their was a war against cops.
    Now, they have one for real.
    I do wish they had done more, years ago, to build a better trust with the public.

    In the case above, they had a bad cop, and chose to stand with him,
    instead of cutting the cancer out of their department.
    They lost a lot of public trust in those years.
    They could use that trust, today.
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