
Entries with no category

  1. Our Representation in Austin

    by , February 4th, 2013 at 4:05 PM (The Central Texas Corinthian)
    Occupation: Businessman, investor
    Experience: Texas House, 1987 - 1992; Texas Senate Member, 1997 - present
    Party: Republican

    Troy Fraser was elected in 1996 to serve Senate District 24, a 17-county region that is located in the geographic center of Texas.

    District 24 comprises the following counties: Bandera, Bell, Blanco, Brown, Burnet, Callahan, Comanche, Coryell, Gillespie, ...
  2. How they voted on the Fiscal Cliff

    by , January 26th, 2013 at 7:36 AM (The Central Texas Corinthian)
    Well, I finally got around to looking at who voted which way.
    For those wishing to look it up, the fiscal cliff deal that gave us more massive overspending
    these next few months was H.R.8,

    Looking at http://clerk.house.gov/evs/2013/roll659.xml
    Carter, Georgetown, East Killeen and Belton voted no.
    Flores, Waco and College Station voted no.
    Roger Williams, Lampasas, Gatesville and Cove district 25 not seated yet.

    Find House Votes Here: ...

    Updated February 21st, 2013 at 6:58 AM by Mestral

  3. How to Blog

    by , January 25th, 2013 at 9:19 AM (The Central Texas Corinthian)
    Just a short note about how to get into blogging.

    Why Blog?
    Need a place where you can post things and know where to find them later, and a place where the threads cannot be hijacked or run on forever? Establishing a blog to track issues, and post notices of events that you find interesting.

    A quick four steps will get you up and running.
    1. Go to "Blog Settings" - which tends to be right under "Blogs" at the top of the page. ...
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