View Full Version : Chihuahua seizures-

May 17th, 2010, 11:02 AM
I have A 9 year old chihuahua who has been having seizures for some time but usually they are mild and over in just a couple of minutes. But last night while in bed I heard her slightly cough- which woke me and I reached over to touch her and she was totally still. I picked her up and laid her on the floor and she was totally limp. I picked her up and started stroking her and she came around. Needless to say this caused me to be very concerned. Still has never done this before. I teach and do not get paid until the end of the month so taking her to the vet is not an option until then. Any ideas what could have caused this and any possible solution. She is my baby girl so this is very hard for me. It was like she had died on me or was unconscious. Luckily I was there and a very light sleeper.

Brad Buckley, D.V.M.
May 17th, 2010, 2:40 PM
Typically seizures make a dog rigid and not limp though they can relax after a convulsion. Dogs can also "pass out" or experience a phenomenon know as syncope and this is typically related to blood pressure and/or cardiac function.

I recommend you have your baby examined ASAP but until you can please note if she is lethargic, coughs after exertion or experiences any other strange behaviors. This can help your vet determine if a heart or lung issue might be contributing to the problem. Though scary, seizures are seldom life threatening if they are short in duration.

I wish you and your little darling well.

May 17th, 2010, 3:04 PM
Thanks...yes her seizures have always been mild. Thanks I will be bringing her in as KVC has been her only vet services. Thank you so much. I know I was so scared.