View Full Version : Animals understanding human pain

May 7th, 2011, 8:11 PM
Not too long ago I read an article about dogs who "found" cancer in their dog parents, how they wouldn't leave their side, sat at the site...it went on in some detail.
I loved it and loved the fact that NOT ONLY do they love us unconditionally BUT they know our pain.....I didn't give it much more thought until I broke my ankle last week.
Before the haters post...I am in NO WAY equating my broken ankle to cancer. I am just relating MY experience with MY dogs and how THEY responded to my injury.
First off we didn't think it was a break. So I sat in the recliner with it covered in ice. My big girl APBT wouldn't leave my side, kept laying her head against my ankle...trying to nudge the ice pack. My chihuhua kept licking....licking the area, licking the ice, nudging the ice, licking some more. Neither of them left my side that night.
Long story short, its broke and THEY knew it 3 days before I did. It took me 3 days to say OK the swelling is not going away, I can't walk and my dogs are annoying me now.
There was a post earlier about losing a pet. MY pets found my pain, pinpointed it and comforted me. I wish we could do that for them in the end.
God I love my dogs!

Night Owl
May 7th, 2011, 8:15 PM
Dogs are wonderful animals.

May 8th, 2011, 5:09 PM
I've heard of dogs sniffing a human from head to toe and placing a paw or nose on the cancer to point it out to the doctor or whoever.

May 8th, 2011, 5:10 PM
Sorry to hear about your broken ankle.
Pets are wonderful. They can sense your mood and will try to comfort you (dogs and cats). They're also a very good judge of character.
My mom's cat would turn his back on my dad and walk away when my dad would try to call him. They were in the process of divorcing. It was too funny to watch.